Thursday, November 12, 2009


  1. How does Jana think that Shade predicted his own death? ~'And through the flowing Shade and Ebbing light/ A man, unheedful of the butterfly-/ Some neighbor's gardener, I guess- goes by/ Trundling an empty barrow up the land.'
  2. What is the last line of the poem according to K? ~I was the shadow of the waxwing slain
  3. When does Gradus first come into the story? ~ when Shade wrote the first line of the poem
  4. Who does K say the main characters are? ~ Kinbote, Shade and Gradus
  5. What did the Zemblan royal family and Goldsmith's daughters have in common? ~they were all in alphabetical order
  6. Beauty + _____ = art? ~pity
  7. What was the type of butterfly that lands on Shade right before his death? ~Vanessa Atalanta
  8. According to K, what gives S's poem reality? ~K's commentary
  9. What two Shakespearean plays do the title possibly come from? ~Timon of Athens and Hamlet
  10. In Zemblan, what does Kinbote mean? ~ King killer
  11. What is the password? ~pity
  12. When in the poem does Hazel commit suicide? ~the exact middle
  13. Who, according to K, gave Gradus a ride to Dulwich lane? ~Gerald Emerald
  14. What does Ultima Thule mean? ~ the ultimate land
  15. What was K's name for JS's poem? ~ Solus Rex (Sun King)
  16. Who badly translated Timon of Athens into Zemblan? ~ K's uncle Conmal (name means with malice)
  17. What word game does Shade love? ~word golf
  18. According to the index, what is Zembla? ~ A distant, northern land
  19. Who is the Toilest? ~ T. S. Eliot
  20. What is the misprint of life everlasting? ~The white fountain/ mountain
  21. Kinbote can forgive everything but...? ~treason
  22. "Just this. Not text, but ______"? ~texture
  23. What 2 books does Sam say are in Goldsmith's wife's library? ~Forever Amber and The Prisoner of Zenda
  24. Who does K say he is like? Why? ~ Hazel, because they both reverse words ie- spider= redips
  25. What does bretwit mean in Zemblan? ~chess intelligence
  26. Zembla = ?? ~resemblance
  27. IPH? ~institution for the preparation of the afterlife
  28. How many days does it take to write each canto? pg 13 ~ 3,7,7,3
  29. What is K's supposed wife's full name? ~Paradisa, the Duchess of Pain and Moan
  30. What does an ampersand look like? "rubber band dropped" ~ &

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