Monday, September 7, 2009

A Nabokovian photo from the past....

This is a picture of my cousins and I (clockwise from left: me, Lindsey, Heather and Jennifer) on a swing set at their house in Vancouver, Wa. As you can tell from our attire and bangs that start in the middle of our heads, it is sometime in the early 90's. I always loved staying with them because we hardly ever saw them when I was very young, and they had a goat that would roam the backyard and terrorise us. He was a mean little pygmy that would always bite our hair and pants, my mom was always furious because my younger sister and I would come home with holes in the butt of all of my pants, but I always had the most fun there. It was shortly after this that my Aunt and Uncle went to 'college' (it was actually Sheridan Prison) and my 3 cousins came to live with us for almost a month. During this time, and throughout the next few years we all lived as sisters and did everything together. Neither of my sisters are shown in this photo, which actually speaks to our relationships at the time. I got along with my cousins much better during my youth than I did with my sisters and brother, and it wasn't until a few years ago that this changed. I now rarely talk to my cousins, but talk to my sisters almost everyday. This was definitely a better time for the relationships shown in the picture, and much has changed since then both in my life and theirs. We have drifted apart over the years and perhaps it is our relationships and not only our youths that have died since this picture was taken. Although this saddens me, there is also a joy, not for cousins lost, but for sisters gained.

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